Book Your Volvo Non AC Bus Tickets on Paytm

Booking a Volvo non AC bus ticket on Paytm is easy and quick. All you need to do is enter the source and destination along with the preferred dates of travelling , and click “Search”. The result displayed takes you to a list of suitable bus operators and timings based on your search parameters. From this list , you can choose the right bus that meets your requirements.

Making Volvo non AC bus tickets reservations on Paytm ensures that you are rewarded with amazing cashbacks and other offers on your bus ticket bookings. Enjoy a hassle-free online bus ticket booking experience with us. You can also book tickets for other bus types like Volvo AC , AC seater buses and AC sleeper buses.

About Volvo non AC Buses

Volvo non AC buses are among the most comfortable buses in India. These buses offer utmost luxury and comfort to the passengers including facilities like window curtains , individual reading lights , water bottles and bottle holders , and mobile charging points among the rest.

Have a Query? Contact Us

If you have any query related to Volvo non AC bus tickets booking online , you can reach out to us for assistance. Our brilliant team of customer care and support is available 24/7 to help and assist you with your queries and concerns related to Volvo non AC bus ticket bookings.


Q. How do I book Volvo non AC bus tickets online?

Ans: You can book your Volvo non AC bus tickets online on Paytm. All you need to do is enter your source and destination cities , date of travel and click Search. You will be taken to a list of Volvo AC buses available on your given route , on the entered date.

Q. What are the amenities provided in Volvo non AC buses?

Ans: Most of the Volvo non AC buses offer entertainment (TV , music) , water bottles , reading lights and mobile charging points.

Q. Can I get insurance claim on cancellation of Volvo non AC bus tickets on Paytm?

Ans: Insurance can be claimed for complete cancellation only if the tickets are booked on Paytm and cancelled in not less than 6 hours before the departure of the bus. If the tickets are cancelled within 6 hours of the scheduled departure , the refundable amount would depend on the cancellation policies of the respective bus operator.