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Live Train Status
Check the live running status of any IRCTC train from the comfort of your home.
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Live Train Running Status

You can now check the live running status of any IRCTC train from the comfort of your home. Track your train in just a few clicks, and make your train journeys more enjoyable and relaxed. You can find all the details regarding a train such as the real time delay, estimated arrival at the next station, estimated arrival at the destination and the platform number where the train would arrive at the destination.

How to Check Live Train Status

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check the live train running status.

Step 1: Enter the train number or the name of the train.

Step 2: Select the boarding station.

Step 3: Select the boarding date from the dates mentioned, and click on “Check Live Status”.

Step 4: You can now spot your train.

Reliable Source For Checking Train Status

Paytm is one of the most reliable platforms online to check the live running running status of the trains operated by the Indian Railways. This helps the passengers have a hassle-free train travelling experience.

Benefits of Checking Live Running Status of Trains

Earlier, it was next to impossible to find the live running status of the trains operated by the Indian Railways. With the emergence of the digital era, it has now become easy to track the train during any time of the day. Paytm offers you the running status of any IRCTC trains, which helps you in several ways.

Time management: One of the challenges while taking train journeys is the time management. Unless you know the live train running status, you may not be able to reach your boarding station on time. By knowing the running status, you can avoid being too early or late to your respective boarding stations.

Plan the trip better: When you know the live running status of the train for which you have booked your tickets, it helps you plan your trip better according to the changes in the expected arrival at the destination station.

Have a Query? Contact Us

If you still have any concerns related to a train’s live running status or anything related to train ticket booking, you can reach out to our customer support team. Our dedicated team of customer support is available 24/7 to help and assist you with all your queries and concerns related to train ticket bookings.