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Top buses from lalauli to Bindki

Sai Anand Travels
AC Seater Leyland
09:00 AM
12 Dec
01h 35m
10:35 AM
12 Dec
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42 seats left
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Lalauli to Bindki Bus Tickets Booking

Book Lalauli to Bindki bus tickets on Paytm and avail exciting Cashback offers and rewards. Select the source city, destination city, your date of journey and choose your preferred bus from Lalauli to Bindki, from our huge inventory of available buses. You can also apply filters for AC, Non-AC, Sleeper, Semi-sleeper, departure time, boarding point, and bus operator while booking bus tickets from Lalauli to Bindki.

Lalauli to Bindki Bus Route Details

  • Daily, 2 Buses run from Lalauli to Bindki
  • Currently, 2 bus operators operate on the route, daily.
  • It take about 01:06 hours to reach Bindki from Lalauli.
  • First bus from Lalauli to Bindki is ORDINARY bus, run by UPSRTC, that departs at 05:24 hours from Lalauli.
  • The last bus run by Sai Anand Travels, ASHOK LEYLAND from Lalauli to Bindki, leaves at 09:00 hours, from Lalauli.
  • You can also book your return bus tickets from Bindki to Lalauli on Paytm.

Book Lalauli to Bindki Bus Tickets

Say goodbye to long queues and welcome online bus booking! Booking bus tickets has gone easier with Paytm.com. You need not visit your nearest bus stand to book bus tickets from lalauli to bindki . Just log on to Paytm.com, fill in the requisite information and book bus tickets online in minutes. Search for various buses online, pick as per your comfort and book according to your choice. We offer online bus ticket bookings for Sleeper, AC, Luxury, Volvo and Mercedes too. You can also choose your preferred operator from Safar Express Tour and Travels, Metro Travels, Fouji Bus, Fouji Tourist Service, Royal India Travels, Moonlight Holiday's Pvt. Ltd. to mention a few. Alongside you can also take your pick on suitable boarding points and departure time for bus ticket booking online.

Easy Booking and payment Options

With Paytm, you get the convenience of booking online bus tickets from lalauli to bindki at lowest fares. You also get the ease of selecting from various payment options like, Debit/Credit, Net Banking or Paytm Wallet. When you book bus tickets from lalauli to bindki you can also make use of Paytm Cash Wallet to ease out the payment process. Online ticket booking for bus from lalauli to bindki is easily done with Paytm.com. Online bus reservation from lalauli to bindki is merely few clicks away, with Paytm. Check bus fare and timings before making a reservation.

Pack your Bags with Paytm

Paytm offers incredible travelling experience from selecting bus type, boarding points and operators to reserving tickets at lowest fares. You can now save when you book tickets from Paytm.com. We offer Paytm wallet loyalty cashback and other deals and offers on bus tickets with every booking you do through our website or app. Paytm Mobile App is compatible with every possible platform, be it iOS, Android, BB or Windows. Book tickets through Paytm and rest assured that your bus trip would be a success. When booking tickets from lalauli to bindki , if you need any assistance, Paytm Customer Service representatives are available 24 hours a day to help you when booking your online bus ticket. Paytm offers you the most amazing experience at all times.

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FAQ - Bus Ticket Booking from Lalauli to Bindki

Q. How many buses currently run on the Lalauli to Bindki route?

Ans: Daily, 2 Buses run from Lalauli to Bindki

Q. How many operators operate from Lalauli to Bindki?

Ans: Currently, 2 bus operators operate on the route, daily.

Q. How much time it takes to travel by bus from Lalauli to Bindki?

Ans: Approximately 01:06 hours

Q. Who are the popular operators on the Lalauli to Bindki bus route?

Ans: UPSRTC and Sai Anand Travels