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On our week-long trip to the Czech capital, Prague, we explored the old world charm that the destination is known for. Its history goes back a millennium and we were blown away by its medieval skylines, the art that have the allure of the Louvre; and beer? The best in the world.

History. Art. Food. Beer. Music. Shopping; well, there is nothing that we didn’t experience in the European stalwart that Prague is. It’s a destination for all. The city makes you an aimless wanderer – with its maze of cobbled lanes, cute cafes, and hidden courtyards that beckon you to explore a little further.

Our highlight of the trip? The setting sun glinting off church domes; or sharing a bridge with half of humanity. Yes, visitors from around the world come in droves to get a glimpse of the Charles Bridge that reflects Prague’s exuberance.

We vouch for Prague as being one of the most charming places on earth! Here’s a little sneak peek into our trip that would give you the much-needed inspiration to plan your 2018 travel to this Central European gem.

Things to remember:

  • Plan your travel early to avoid overspending on tickets. Trip to Prague costs around 1 lakh per person (inclusive of tickets and hotel). Book tickets from Mumbai or Delhi to save on flights.
  • Schengen Visa is mandatory for a trip to Prague. Visa approval takes about 15 – 30 days. Apply early.
  • Looking for a budget trip? Book a travellers’ hostel in Prague.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and explore Prague on foot.
  • Most of the hotels are expensive during summer or Christmas. Book 1-2 months in advance to get the best prices.
  • Carry comfortable clothing. Overcoats, boots and jackets are a must if travelling in winter. Ensure that you pack light.
  • Also, don’t forget to carry a travel guide and a map. Prague is huge and it’s important to plan your itinerary well to make the most of your time there.

Why visit Prague in 2018?

Prague is gearing up for a year of celebration. This New Year’s Eve marked the 25th anniversary of the Velvet Divorce, when Czechoslovakia divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993. Prague will see events throughout the year commemorating 100 years of Czechoslovakia’s formation on 28th October. 2018 is the best time to enjoy some amazing light, theatre and musical events in Prague.

To make your travel more affordable, Paytm offers you an array of offers and deals on Prague flight tickets. Book tickets on Paytm at the cheapest prices, and enjoy your trip without having to worry about your travel expenses.

Happy travelling!

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