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This archipelago in Southeast Asia has over 17,000 islands, each with its charm. One that stands out is Indonesia with its scenery so stunning. From Bali’s rice terraces to Java’s volcanic peaks, Lombok’s beaches, and Sumatra’s wilderness, this country’s natural wonders will amaze you. Dive into the crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life in the Komodo Islands, hike through lush rainforests to find hidden waterfalls in North Sulawesi, or watch the sunrise over majestic volcanoes in Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. Indonesia’s diverse landscapes are breathtaking.

Best Time to Visit Indonesia


Indonesia has tropical weather year-round. However, weather patterns vary depending on the country.

  • Dry Season: Most of Indonesia is best visited from April to October during the dry season. This season has pleasant weather, low rainfall, and ideal outdoor conditions.
  • Wet Season: Heavy rain falls from November to March. Bali may still be visited, but Sumatra and Java may have more rain and travel disruptions.

Places You Must Explore in Indonesia



Bali is a tropical paradise with beautiful beaches, landscapes, and culture. Bali has many attractions beyond Kuta, Seminyak, and Jimbaran. Visit ancient temples, watch traditional dances, and experience the local arts scene in Ubud. Take a dip in the sacred Tirta Empul water temple or visit Uluwatu Temple on a cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean. Bingin Beach and Uluwatu are surfing meccas.



Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital, has modern skyscrapers and historic landmarks. The National Monument (Monas) observation deck offers city views. In Old Town (Kota Tua), colonial-era buildings and museums showcase Jakarta’s rich history. Enjoy Jakarta’s diverse cuisine, from street food to fine dining.



Jogja, or Yogyakarta, is a cultural centre and the gateway to Borobudur and Prambanan temples, UNESCO World Heritage sites. Borobudur’s intricate stone carvings and panoramic views are worth a visit. Prambanan is a Hindu temple complex with towering spires and intricate reliefs. Visit Kraton, Java’s royal palace, and watch traditional dances. Yogyakarta’s artists make batik fabrics, silver jewellery, and traditional puppets.

Komodo National Park


The world’s largest lizards, Komodo dragons, live in UNESCO World Heritage-listed Komodo National Park. On the islands of Komodo and Rinca, you can see these interesting animals in their natural habitat. Experienced rangers lead guided treks through the park’s unique biodiversity, including stunning landscapes, pristine beaches, and vibrant coral reefs. Komodo National Park also offers snorkelling and diving with manta rays and colourful fish.

Raja Ampat Islands


Divers and nature lovers love the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua. The waters of this archipelago are filled with colourful coral reefs and marine life. Snorkel or dive to see manta rays, pygmy seahorses, and colourful underwater gardens. Above water, Raja Ampat’s limestone formations, beaches, and rainforests are breathtaking.

Gili Islands


Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno are idyllic getaways from the mainland. These car-free islands have turquoise waters, powdery white sand beaches, and vibrant marine life. You can paddleboard, snorkel, or watch the sunset. Gili Trawangan has a lively nightlife, Gili Meno is peaceful and romantic, and Gili Air offers a balance of relaxation and entertainment.

Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park


Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park in East Java has stunning volcanic landscapes. The park’s centrepiece, active volcano Mount Bromo, offers stunning sunrise views. Trek at sunrise to see the sun rise over the volcanic caldera, surrounded by clouds. The park includes Mount Semeru, Java’s tallest mountain, and the Tengger Caldera. Explore the lunar-like landscapes, climb Mount Bromo, and enjoy this unique national park.

Lake Toba


Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the world, is in North Sumatra. Supervolcanic eruptions created the lake, surrounded by lush hills and Batak villages. Take a boat to Samosir Island in the lake to learn about Batak culture and visit traditional houses. Enjoy Lake Toba’s beauty, natural hot springs, and tranquillity.



In Bali’s uplands, Ubud is known for its arts scene, spiritual retreats, and tranquillity. Visit the Monkey Forest to see playful monkeys and ancient temples in lush greenery. Visit the Ubud Palace and surrounding temples to experience Balinese Hindu culture and traditional ceremonies. Visit museums, galleries, and yoga and meditation retreats in Tegalalang.



Lombok, east of Bali, has beautiful landscapes and cultural attractions but is less touristy. The underrated Kuta and Tanjung Aan beaches have turquoise waters and white sands. Visit Sasak villages to see pottery and weaving. Mount Rinjani, an active volcano with a stunning crater lake and panoramic views, is a challenging hike for adventurous travellers.

These Indonesian hotspots offer beachside relaxation, cultural immersion, and thrilling natural wonders. Indonesia has something for everyone relaxation, adventure, and culture.

Things to Eat in Indonesia


Try these popular Indonesian dishes. Famous Indonesian dishes include:

  • Nasi Goreng: Indonesia’s famous fried rice with shrimp, chicken, vegetables, and spices. It is usually topped with a fried egg and served with prawn crackers.
  • Satay: Indonesians love satay, skewered and grilled chicken or beef marinated in spices and served with peanut sauce. Indonesian satay has different flavours and styles in each region.
  • Gado-Gado: A famous Indonesian salad made with steamed vegetables, tofu, tempeh, and boiled eggs topped with peanut sauce. It is tasty and healthy.
  • Rendang: West Sumatra’s rich, slow-cooked meat. Beef is tenderised in coconut milk and spices. Steamed rice complements rendang’s complexity.
  • Soto: Soto is an Indonesian food with chicken, beef, or seafood soup. Lemongrass, turmeric, and galangal flavour it. Soto has different flavours and ingredients in each region.

Things to Remember When Visiting Indonesia


Here are a few things that you need to know before you visit Indonesia

  • Avoid going from November to March, when it rains a lot. Other than that, there is no wrong time to go. Low season means fewer people, but early rains mean more plastic waste.
  • Arriving tourists from the UK, US, Canada, and Australia need to receive a 30-day stamp. Apply for an e-visa or a $35 Visa on Arrival.
  • Learn some Bahasa Indonesia words. Locals appreciate its simplicity.
  • Bring breezy tropical clothes. Highlands and cold transportation require warm clothing. Dress respectfully in mosques and temples.
  • Buy a local SIM card and install apps like Grab and Gojek for convenience and safety.
  • Respect what your hosts believe in terms of religion. Remove shoes when entering buildings. Do not ask older people their names; consider giving your hosts a small gift.
  • Indonesia is generally safe, but watch out for pickpockets in crowded places. Most Indonesians are friendly, but be aware that some places have organised robberies.
  • Keep up with volcanic activity and do what the government says. Use a wind chime to find out about earthquakes early.
  • Indonesia has strict laws against drugs, making it very hard to own or sell drugs.
  • Get the COVID-19 vaccine and keep up with other recommended vaccines, like Hepatitis A and B.
  • Do not drink tap water in Indonesia. Use water from a bottle to drink, make ice, and brush your teeth to avoid health risks and help cut down on plastic waste.

Summing Up

Indonesia’s landscape, culture, and food are stunning. Volcanoes, rainforests, and beaches cover the 17,000 islands. Indonesian cuisine showcases its diversity. Nasi Goreng, Rendang, or Satay skewers Indonesian food is delicious. Traditional dance performances, ancient temples, local festivals, and Indonesian hospitality will leave an impression. Indonesia has something for everyone, from relaxing on Bali’s beaches to exploring Komodo National Park or Yogyakarta’s culture. Modernity and tradition coexist in this land of contrasts. Indonesia has beaches, Komodo National Park, and culture. Indonesia will awaken your senses, spark curiosity, and create lasting memories.

Plan your trip to Indonesia and experience its beauty and culture. Check out Paytm’s latest deals and offers, from flight tickets to bus, train and hotels. Take advantage of these offers!

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