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Middle East

In the last few years, the Middle East has become one of the most popular travel destinations. The region has become more touristic with travellers thronging the countries from all across the world. If you are planning a trip to the Middle East, here are the countries/cities that you should add on to your travel list:

Water, Sun and Sand! Dubai Calling…


Dubai is an architectural wonder – with a picturesque skyline. The most popular destination in the Middle East, Dubai has something for every traveller – from beaches, adventure parks to amazing restaurants.  When in Dubai, don’t forget to visit the tallest building in the world – the Burj Khalifa.

Feel the essence of artistic heritage at Abu Dhabi 

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is a must visit for all art lovers, and it has also become a popular spot for luxury tourism with popular attractions like the Louvre Abu Dhabi – the most famous museums in the world, the Emirates Palace and the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.

Experience the true taste of Arab Culture at Kuwait 


Kuwait is known for its blend of the modern – with skyscrapers popping up all over its map, and the traditional. If you want to experience the Arab culture in all its authenticity then Kuwait, which is also known for its simplicity, is the place for you. Don’t forget to visit the much-loved souqs and museums that reflect their culture and traditions.

The Paris of the Middle East – Beirut


Looking for lively nightlife? Head to Beirut in Lebanon. Also known as the Paris of Middle East, Beirut gained popularity amongst travellers because of the glitz and glamour that the city is now synonymous with. While most of the destinations in the Middle East are traditional, Beirut is one-of-its-kind with many clubs and bars that are open till midnight. Being a global destination, Beirut also hosts many shows – many famous DJs and artist from all across the globe, perform here.

Bahrain – the Exotic land where nothing stands still 


One of the most important reasons behind Bahrain gaining popularity, is the Formula 1 races that the country hosts, every year. The Bahrain International Circuit is immensely popular amongst race lovers and it brings people  from all across the globe to this unique destination. In addition, the growing food scene and many popular attractions make this destination a must-visit.

Jordan – A city where every building tells a story 


Love visiting historical sights? Well, Jordan is the place for you. Home to Petra – one of the most popular archaeological sites, Jordan is thronged by visitors all year-round. Dotted with stunning historical sites, contemporary art galleries, markets and pretty cafes, Jordan is one of our top picks in the Middle East.

Explore Riyadh – A city that reflects tradition 


Saudi Arabia wasn’t a touristy place until recently, but the country is gaining popularity amongst tourists for being a one-of-a-kind destination with myriad of skyscrapers, grand restaurants, popular attractions and luxurious resorts & hotels. Visit the capital city Riyadh to experience their culture at its best.

Plan a trip to one of these destinations for an adventure of a lifetime. 

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